How to Resolve SASSA Status Issues Online

The majority of South Africans who face under economic backward classes rely heavily upon the support or assistance provided by the SASSA. Therefore, any people who are facing issues regarding their application pending status could be naturally worried. Until this problem solves, it will continue to cause disturbances in the mind of such financially troubled people. It is the responsibility of South African Social Security Agency to solve those problems regarding the welfare of its citizens. Nonetheless, if you are interested in learning about the source of this problem while figuring out the solution to it. So, do you want to Resolve SASSA Status Issues Online? Let’s find out how to do it from the official website.

Resolve SASSA Status Issues Online

What do you mean by SASSA?

South African Social Security Agency or SASSA, is a popular governing body that operates throughout South Africa. It is responsible for providing administrative social grants to eligible citizens.

Few of the social grants that SASSA is said to provide include old-age pensions, disability grants, child support grants, foster child grants and many more. Moreover, SASSA continues to play an integral role in reducing poverty levels while improving the lives of people through financial assistance.

What is SASSA Status Pending?

Any citizen who is unable to satisfy their financial needs due to not having a proper source of income. For them, the SASSA scheme provided by the government is said to play a major role.

All the eligible individuals are assisted in this scheme all over South Africa. Nonetheless, this scheme is mainly aimed at resolving broken financial conditions faced by certain groups.

To receive this grant, individuals are required to apply through its designated portal. Once you have completed the application, it might show that the SASSA Status is pending. If you are facing this problem, you might not have to worry, as the authorities usually take three months to Resolve SASSA Status Issues Online.

Steps to follow to resolve SASSA Status Issues Online

Even after waiting for several months if your pending status regarding your SASSA application is not yet resolved. Then, it might be time for you to learn the steps required to Resolve SASSA Status Issues Online yourself.

Verification of application details

  • Ensuring all the information is accurate

First of all, you need to revisit the application that you made for SASSA. After doing so, you need to check whether all the information provided is accurate according to the documents.

Any error in your personal information could have resulted in an overall delay.

  • Verifying all documents

Remember to verify all the documents that you have submitted alongside the application.

Each one of those documents needs to be up to date as pending or missing documents could result in showing a pending issue.

Submission of missing documents

  • Responding on time

For instance, if SASSA is requesting submission of any documents related to your application.

It would help if you did it within the required period, or your issue regarding showing pending status could persist for an extended period.

  • Following the documentation guidelines

You need to read all the documents and guidelines related to submitting the required documents.

Not following the correct protocols could lead you to face problems regarding formatting the available information.

Directly contacting SASSA

  • Communicating with SASSA

A variety of communication methods are provided to applicants who have chosen to receive grants through this scheme. You can either call their phone number, email them regarding the problem faced, or personally visit their offices near your location.

This would help you receive an instant update regarding your Resolve SASSA Status Issues Online.

  • Inquiring about specific questions

Suppose you don’t want to waste much time going through the process of resolving the application status issue. You can contact SASSA online by asking specific questions regarding your application status.

Having patience while following up regularly

  • Learning the details regarding processing time

Remember, the processing time for your application could be different from others in case of higher demand, which is a common scenario regarding SASSA. You would have to wait patiently as the matter could be resolved within a few months.

  • Checking regularly

You need to check the status of your application regularly while maintaining clear communication lines with SASSA.

Keeping records

  • Maintaining a communication tab

When you are trying to Resolve SASSA Status Issues Online, you need to ensure a tab is maintained regarding all the communication between both parties.

This would help you proceed carefully while following all the instructions and to resolve SASSA Status Issues Online.

Updating yourself

  • Following all policies regarding updates

Ensure you check on all the policy changes that might have taken place between your application for a financial grant. This could have affected your application status, which is still pending.

  • Listening to community advice

Many community resources are provided to applicants who are trying to Resolve SASSA Status Issues Online. Taking help from them could help in dealing with application status online.

Taking some external advice

  • Going with community support

Suppose you are finding the resolving process regarding your application too confusing. Then, choosing to get help from organizations that are willing to help people in such circumstances would be a great choice. These workers are pretty familiar with SASSA applicants facing pending issues.

  • Seeking legal advice

Suppose none of the steps that you have followed throughout the application process are going on the right path. It would help if you opted for legal advice as it would be the last option for you to receive a financial grant from the government.


When you are facing pending issues regarding SASSA application status, you need to be patient while following all the required proactive steps. This could help in effectively resolving your issues while receiving the financial grant you most dearly require. Remember to follow on the progress that is made through the application process in order to receive your financial assistance as quickly as possible.